Are values more important to you than elbowing your way into a career? Then how about an employer who takes you seriously. Where flat hierarchies stand for real responsibility and cohesion – and not for everything being up to you in the end.

Working at SIRIUS: That means constantly adapting to new, challenging situations. Solving them together as a team – with colleagues who provide support.
Because no one here is indifferent to what you have in you in addition to your professional skills. Because everyone here knows that they can count on each other.
From newcomers to IT veterans, from specialists to generalists: we learn from each other and develop professionally and personally. Permanently.

We live our values. This is also shown by our employee ratings on Kununu. Because they have helped us to the titles “TOP COMPANY” and “NEW WORK EMPLOYER 2021”.
SIRIUS has also been named “TOP Employer for Medium-Sized Companies” twice in a row by Focus Business.
What colleagues say
Your way from junior to senior
Are you still at the beginning of your career? Then as a young, ambitious consultant you are probably wondering how you will one day become a seasoned and sought-after consultant. Methodical and technical know-how are important. However, both become outdated quickly and in practice, very different qualities are often required. We accompany and support you in using your potential and developing yourself further.

SIRIUSacademy is a module-based further education program which fosters personal, professional, and methodical development. External experts impart knowledge which can be applied directly in your daily project duties. In this way, even newcomers build confidence quickly.
Three of the most popular modules:
• Communication: Constructive Discussions and Conflict
• Methodology: Professional Presentation
• Organizational: Change Management
Find out more:
Find out more on our copernicus blog:
After training or studying, you have the theory down. What counts now is the practice. We throw you in at the deep end right at the start – but give you a wetsuit. In other words, you’ll quickly be involved in your first customer projects, accompanied by your personal mentor. You coordinate your work with him, clarify questions and exchange ideas.
You are a full-fledged team member right from the start. You get to know the daily work routine unfiltered, but in a protected environment. In this way, you gain confidence and learn enormously quickly.